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Learn the Basics

Age Group: 6-10 Years

STEM Concept Learning, Simple & Complex Machines, Model Making, Innovation and Creative Thinking, Application of various Concepts of Science and Math

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Adv. RoboCHAMP:
Basic Electronics / Electronic Circuit Developer

Age Group: 8-12 Years

Basic Electronics, Circuit Understanding, Making Electronics Projects, Create Your own Electronics Projects, Etc.

Robotics for beginners (Arduino Starter)

Age Group: 10-18 Years   

Understand Micro-Controllers, Sensors integrations, Line follower robot making

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Advance Robotics (Arduino Pro)

Age Group: 12-18 Years

Make your own complicated machines using Bluetooth Technology for Controlling Devices, Use gears, grippers, servo motors. Deeper understanding on writing programs using Arduino Programming

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Apps & UI

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Coding and Animation Developer:
Scratch programming/Visual Programming

Age Group: 8-12 Years

Understand Programming Logics, make own computer game, animation, Make own Family and Friends Storyboard with sound effects, etc.

UI/UX Developer

Age Group: 10-14 Years

Learns fundamentals to develop Webpages on Web browsers, HTML programming

Mobile App Inventor:
Junior App Developer

Age Group: 8-12yrs

Build fully functional Android apps for Smartphone and Tablets.


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CAD Designing for beginners

Age Group: 12-18 Years

Understand CAD, understand steps like sketch and part making. Make own designs like Bottle, Nut and Bolt, etc

CAD Designing for intermediate

Age Group: 12-18 Years

Understand CAD, understand steps like part making and assembly. Make own designs and assemble e.g. Skate Board assembly, toy car assembly, etc.

Additive Manufacturing

Age Group: 14-18 Years

Understand 3D Printer working, applications and process flow of 3D Printing.



Python Programming for Beginners

Age Group: 10-18 Years

Basics of Python language, logics and loops, conditional and control statements, string manipulation, lists, tuple, dictionaries, functions, modules, exception handling, etc

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Advance Python Programming

Age Group: 10-18 Years

OPP’s related to python, regular expressions, CGI, database, networking, multithreading, GUI, Email handling etc

Special Effects

Advanced Courses

In the Woods

Drone Making

12 Years and Above

Aerodynamics Concepts, Part Selection, Interfacing of Motors, Cygnus IDE, C++ Prrogramming, Flight Training, Governing Laws and Regulations.

Virtual Reality Goggles

IoT Starter:
Internet of Things

Age Group: 12-18 Years

Learn  basics  of IOT, what is IOT and its basic elements

Computer Processor

Rasberry Pi Starter Program

Age Group: 12-18 Years

Learn Raspberry Pi, make your own Mini Computer, learn programming of raspberry pi i.e python


AI & ML Starter:
Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning

Age Group: 14-18 Years

Understands fundamentals of AI and ML, Builds logic and thinking pattern to perform various tasks


Embedded Systems

16+ Years

Advanced Electronics, Micro Processors and Micro Controllers, Interfacing of Various Sensors and Actuators, Interfacing of Displays, Robot Building.

For more information about the services we offer, feel free to contact us today.

Contact Us

Flat No. 103, 1st Floor
Mabel Tanquist Memorial Building.
Kenuozou Hill/Neituo Road.
Kohima, Nagaland

+91 9366594691

© 2021-2024 NAGABOTS

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